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Why Did The Interview For Job Not Produce A Job

Why Did The Interview For Job Not Produce A Job

There are different reasons for not getting the job even with the great interview. The most frequent reasons include the appearance, lack of focus, over bearing, poor references, asking for too much money, appearing to be uncooperative, someone at the company does not like you, or you are just not the best applicant for the job.

Your appearance at the interview is very important. You need to dress for the interview based on the attire of the other current employees. Avoid undressing by surveying the apparel the current employees wear. The exception to this is when the employees wear jeans. Jeans are not appropriate apparel for an interview. The clothing for the interview needs to be clean and wrinkle free.

You are not focused on the job you are applying for with the company. You state you are available for whatever they need you for. This may sound good to some people but in the interview, you need to be focused on the tasks of the job, so you should seem dedicated to the specific job. Be clear about what you want with the job and the things you do not want. This will settle any questions the interviewer may have in regards to your dedication.

Avoid being pushy about the job or appearing to be desperate. Do not be over anxious to get the job. You have the interview based on your qualifications listed on the resume. You do not have to sell yourself any more since the resume did all the selling. Listen more than you talk during the interview. This creates the appearance to the interviewer you are an attentive person that is listening and interested in what the interviewer is saying about the job.

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Select your references with care. You need to know what your references are saying to the potential employer about you. Take the time to talk to the people you are using as

references so they know you are using them as a reference and about your job history. It is embarrassing to have a reference contacted and not know they are listed as a reference. The lack of communication says a great deal to the employer.

Research the salary before the interview by reviewing the job posting. During the interview, many times the salary is mentioned. Use the figures as the basis to stating the salary you will accept for the position. You can also ask what the salary is for the position so you will know if the amount is not mentioned.

Be prepared to be cooperative and pleasant during the interviews. Do not come across as arrogant or aggressive. Remain calm and reserved even when you are not feeling this way. Do not appear weak or timid either. Be confident while being modest. This will cause the interviewer to like you more.

Make a point to be nice to everyone you meet at the company from the parking lot until you leave the building after the interview. You do not know who you will be seeing when you reach the interview so treat everyone with respect and smile. Be pleasant so they do not have a reason not to like you or state you have done something they find a negative behavior.

You have done everything you could possibly be done to make the best presentation of you and your abilities. Yet you still did not get the job. The last reason for not getting the job is through no fault of yours. It has to do with a better applicant with the right experience the company is seeking. 

You have no control over the other applicants so do not feel bad when this happens.

To increase your chances of landing the perfect job, learn to make the best presentation and you will get the job based on your qualifications.

Get Prepared to Answer Questions the Right Way

Be prepared for possible questions you will be asked during the interview. This will help you be relaxed as well as having the correct answers ready to roll. Here are some possible questions and how to prepare your answers.

Interview job questions to ask 

1. Tell me about yourself. 

Give a brief description regarding your strong points reinforcing why you would be the right candidate for the job. Do not boost or over exaggerate. Be positive and remain humble. 

2. Tell me about your background, accomplishments. 

Describe your professional background. Include your professional training and education. Mention the work experience and provide examples showing the accomplishments. 

3. Tell me about your strengths and weakness. 

This is to be a short response but an honest display of your ability to be objective about yourself. 

4. Describe your most recent job performance. 

This is allows the interviewer to see you enthusiasm about your work and to see how you may link the other job to the one you are applying for with their company. 

5. What do you find interesting about our company? 

The question is geared to see if you have knowledge about the company. Another reason is to see if you have a specific reason that is appealing to you about the position. 

6. Tell me who your most difficult boss was and why. 

Avoid being too personal or negative about this situation. State the manager's style and

method of management you found lacked communication. This is designed to see how well you will get along with a difficult superior. 

7. Tell me about any activities that are important to your personal development.

This is designed to see if you have a balanced your life style between your professional and personal life. Limit your response to one or two examples so you do not seem to be spread too thin with other activities. 

8. Where do you see yourself in five and ten years? 

Do not list the entire roadmap of your future. Describe briefly, where you want to go with your professional career in two or three basic steps.

It is important to realize there are some interviewers that will ask questions to see your response to the initial question. They want to see how you will deal with different types of questions in different situations. They want to see if you will be honest or shy away from the truth. The response you give is just as important as your answer.

The key is to always remain calm and relaxed. These are not always easy yet learn to breath and anticipate the possible questions. Being prepared will make the difference between providing a professional response and providing a rambling answer that will kill the interview and your chances for getting the job.

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